I teach you how to use nature to be more amazing.

Did you know that your body and soul must connect with the frequencies of nature on the daily, so that you can gather and create energy to have the resilience and vitality you deserve?

Let me introduce you to the power of Quantum Biology! This cutting-edge science studies the frequencies of light, water and magnetism which affect your health more than anything else.

Knowing how to harmonize with nature's frequencies and rhythms is the KEY to banishing inflammation, depression, anxiety, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances and all modern illnesses.

Are you ready to feel deeply nourished and calm, have abundant energy, sleep like a baby, and have the resilience to create the life you want?

Let me show you how!

Harnessing the frequencies of nature will help you...

Feel robust and hearty

so that you can deeply engage in what your heart desires such as building your business, traveling, or nourishing pastimes.

Have SO much energy

ALL DAY LONG that you begin spontaneously dancing, because you just FEEL so darn good that you gotta move your body.

Feel confident

and trust in your body, so much that you develop a deep level of appreciation and respect for the wonder that it is.


You've tried all the integrative, functional and conventional health options, and logged hours of psychotherapy for underwhelming results...

It's time for a new health paradigm.

For many years, I suffered from chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, hormonal imIalance and debilitating insomnia.

I spent thousands of dollars on practitioners, supplements, and special diets. Often, these efforts actually made me worse! I even tried pharmaceuticals because I wanted to sleep so badly, even though I am terrified of those synthetic chemicals!

Trust me, I tried it ALL:

*integrative and functional medicine (take red rice yeast extract...expensive gut tests that just showed I reacted to literally everything?!)

*exercising harder (kettle bells, ropes, medicine balls which led me to lose my period, to have to take naps daily and to having daily emotional breakdowns)

*hours and hours of somatic trauma therapy that STILL didn't help me to feel as calm, confident and able to focus as well as I wanted (and I LOVED my therapists and they were highly skilled!)

Lindsay G

"I was thinking about you this morning and how you have made such a big impact on my life!! I go outside every morning now to get my morning sun, and itโ€™s a total game changer! Iโ€™m so glad I worked with you!"

Kristin L

"I thought I was a 'know-it-all', but I didn't know about circadian rhythm! Heather helped me to connect the dots about what I was missing in my health practices."

Natasha O

Heather's work is a game-changer for anyone looking to reduce anxiety or enhance their well-being. Her research-backed, easy-to-implement lifestyle shifts are nothing short of transformative, and I can't recommend her enough.