Don't Get Stuck in the Pain!

The pain of being disconnected from your partner can range from acute to dull and numb.
Either way, it is SO REAL for you that it affects everything!
Your sense of overall well-being in every way.
Your physical health. You might just feel “off” or you might struggle with serious health issues...
Your mental health. You might feel stressed or super angry and hurt or just down, or worse...
However intense the pain of not having the relationship you want--the affection, the emotional safety--it is a constant.
And, it is so easy to get totally STUCK in the pain.
It can color how you see yourself, your partner and your world.
Why? Because we’re wired for connection. We NEED connection to feel our best selves.
There is NOTHING wrong with you for having this pain. It means you’re normal and healthy, actually!
The danger though, is that the pain can take root and settle in, and you can get USED to it.
It can become the new norm. A familiar friend. You start to tolerate it and then not notice how long it’s been there.
You don’t realize just how much it is affecting you.
It makes it harder to see anything good about your partner.
It zaps your energy. Joy. Enthusiasm. 
It makes it harder to manage your emotions leading to more anger and frustration.
It can even trick you into IDENTIFYING with it…
This is dangerous!
I don’t want that for you. I want you to know that you CAN be rid of this pain.
I know you WANT to be rid of this pain.
The good news is you have a choice!
You have to choose to believe you can. You have to commit to doing it. You have to learn the tools to having a great relationship.
You have to trust in love, yourself, and your partner. And get support. Often times, It is so hard if not impossible to do it alone.
You have to really WANT it and work hard for it.
Are you ready? Can you imagine all that goodness for yourself?!
I certainly can.
If you’re ready, now is the time to take the first step. Book a free breakthrough call with me. We will get clarity on exactly what is not working right now in your relationship, on exactly how you want it to be, and then discuss the exact steps to get you there.

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